
Address : Camino a Santa Catalina km7, 5 221 Santa Catalina, Córdoba, Argentine
Tel : +54 (3525) 465 888
Fax : +54 (3525) 465 999

From Córdoba Airport – 60km – 45min

When you leave the airport, turn on you left, after 3 km take the direction to Jesús María by road 9 North (on your right). You will arrive on a high speed motorway turn again on your right (Jesus Marias 9N) After approximately 25km you will pass throw a toll. Once arriving at Jesus Maria you will have a Shell Gaz station on your left, in this roundabout take the way to the left in the direction to Ascochinga, Estancia Jesuítica Santa Catalina. After 12 km, once you passed the city, you will see a sign on the right that says Santa Catalina, you must take this graveled road. After 7 km you will pass between two properties entrances La Porteñita y La Porteña, the Estancia de Charme El Colibrí is the following one, 500

mts away. There is no sign but you will easily recognize it by the position of guard and the burgundy small houses .